
About the author

 My name is Amanda and I help ladies in leadership navigate the tough issues we deal with every day by providing resources for practical application and by sharing my stories. Interesting things to know about me that flavor my writings: I am extremely single, but not for lack of effort! I have 2 pups that come to the office with me every day: their job is to get loved on by the children and they take it very seriously. My primary hobbies are running and riding horses. I am a world champion cowgirl in the sport of Mounted Shooting – one of my major coping techniques for having 40 women on my staff. My other primary coping mechanism for life in general is running. I run trails 5 days a week, and have a goal of running at least one half marathon every year. My bucket list is a mile long, and I try to check of items as often as I can as my way of taking care of myself and not turning into a workaholic. I would like to grow my business to the point I get to travel and train women in leadership all over Texas, and eventually the US!

My Story: Where I’ve been and where I hope I’m going!

Growing up and looking to the future I knew I would go to Bible college, but quite frankly, I had no career dream for after graduation, I was there to get my Mrs. Degree (get married!). Graduation day came and went, and though I wasn’t exactly a spinster throughout college, I was firmly single by graduation. The next few years of my life I spent trying to figure out how to cope with what felt like a ginormous life failure: the inability to find a Christian man I could marry and serve God with. I passed on opportunity after opportunity, waiting for a husband. When I turned 25 I realized that I had wasted half a decade waiting on a life change that may never be part of God’s will for me. It was time to stop wasting opportunities and do something for God. I had already become the Director of our church’s Early Education Center ministry by this time and decided to pour myself into doing what I could and what I knew to be God’s will. A few years into being the Director I was at a loss for where to find mentorship and help. I read every book I could get my hands on for the problems I faced but it wasn’t enough. With the blessing of my board, I pursued higher education and now hold both a master of educational leadership and a doctor of education in educational leadership. Through the journey of completing my degrees, I re-discovered my love for writing and learning. I began writing my own curriculum for my teaching staff and conducting training sessions. I also became a CPR instructor during this time and found a passion for teaching adults that I never expected to find.

I believe in the importance of Christian education with my whole heart. Today I continue to serve as the Director of my church’s Early Education Center and continue to write trainings for my own staff. I am about to embark on my first semester teaching as adjunct faculty for West Coast Baptist College in their online program and am getting more and more excited as I study for my classes. My goal is to write effective curriculum for educators and leaders from a biblical worldview and to train leaders with that curriculum through books, online courses, and in-person training seminars. We need more effective leaders in our Christian circles from whom we can receive inspiration and renewed energy for our passion – Christian education!

Currently, this website is being filled with blogs on topics that have been burning a hole in my heart recently. I will be expanding the topics to include Bible lessons in leadership that I have written for my administrative teams over the years. The content will be varied from practical advice to deep thinking lessons, and all from a Christian worldview. I’m developing E-books, printables, and E-courses and will make them available as I complete them. For now, please enjoy learning about the inner struggles of this boss lady, I hope they help and encourage you!

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